The Early Ottoman Peloponnese – A Study in the Light of an Annotated Editio Princeps of the TT10 – 1/14662 Ottoman Taxation Cadastre (ca. 1460 – 1463).
In this book, Georgios C. Liakopoulos presents a unique insight into late Byzantine Peloponnese society and its economy, and how these were incorporated into the Ottoman Empire, using as reference the cadastre compiled immediately after the Ottoman conquest. What makes this study imperative is the fact that no similar Byzantine document of the period has survived. The author offers a thorough analysis of the demography of the Peloponnese and its categorisation into urban/rural and sedentary/nomadic, concentrating on the Albanians, the second largest ethnic group after the Greeks. A detailed presentation of the level of agricultural production, livestock, fishing and commerce is illustrated with tables and charts. The book is complemented with a diplomatic edition of the transcribed Ottoman text and facsimiles of the cadastre.
Professor Francis Robinson (Royal Asiatic Society)
Professor Paraskevas Konortas (University of Athens)
Professor Georgia Katsouda (Academy of Athens)
Dr Georgios Liakopoulos (Max Planck Institute)
Book launch
When: 24 February, 2020 @ 7:00 pm UTC+2
Where: British School at Athens, Upper House – Athens – 52 Souedias Street