The British School at Athens, founded in 1886, is a membership organisation with UK charitable status (no. 208673). Its patron is HM King Charles III. It is recognised as a not-for-profit institution in Greece. Its constitution, purpose and objectives are defined in its Statutes.
The governing body of the School is its Council, members of which are Trustees under the terms of the Charities Act 1993. The Council consists of the Chair, Honorary Treasurer, 4 members elected by the School’s Supporters for a 4-year term, 2 members elected by School Members for a 2-year term, and 4 nominated members elected by Council for a 4-year term. A Vice-Chair is elected from its number. The Search Committee considers the balance of skills and interests represented on the Council whenever a nominated vacancy arises, identifies potential nominees by all appropriate means, and puts forward names for consideration so as to ensure that the Council is equipped to exercise critical scrutiny of all areas of the School’s operation. An Annual General Meeting of Supporters is empowered to amend the Statutes and receives the Financial Statements and a report of the work of the School, and must appoint the School’s Auditors.
Charge of the School in Greece is delegated to the Director, who is the principal executive and accounting officer of the School and represents it in Greece and with any third parties whatsoever.