The Fitch Laboratory funds established scholars or scientists (normally at least 5 years beyond receipt of the Ph.D.) to spend up to three months at its premises undertaking research in any of the fields of its interest (e.g. inorganic material analysis, geophysical prospection, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, soil micromorphology, ethnoarchaeology, landscape archaeology, archaeology of technology; normally in the context of Aegean/Mediterranean archaeology). One or two Senior Visiting Fellows will be appointed in each year depending on requests for the Fellowship duration. The Fellowship covers a monthly stipend (ca. 500€), accommodation and airfare (up to 400€), as well as limited research expenses (up to 500€).
The Senior Visiting Fellowships are intended to enable scholars in post to spend a period of research leave in Greece, for example, during sabbatical. Fellows will be expected to reside at the School and base their research at the Laboratory, for a period of between 1 and 3 months, preferably during the academic year (between October and June). During this time they should conduct a programme of original research either independently or in collaboration with Laboratory staff members. Fellows are also expected to give one public lecture or an open seminar at the BSA and acknowledge the British School and the Fellowship in all publications resulting from tenure of the post. They will be required to submit a report on their research and a short general report on their time at the Laboratory to the Laboratory’s Subcommittee and Director.
The Fellowship covers BSA membership and accommodation at the BSA Hostel in Athens and, if required for research purposes, also in Knossos, while accommodation is also offered to an accompanying spouse/partner, who is most welcome, at a nominal daily rate. Regrettably, children cannot be accommodated. Preference may be given to employees of UK HEIs, Museums and other such bodies. Applicants are advised to contact the Laboratory Director if the use of analytical facilities is necessary for the proposed research.
The fellowship is advertised every winter for the next academic year. When open, it will be advertised on this website, in addition to other venues, with details of how to apply.
Award Holders
- Armelle Gardeisen (CNRS, Montpellier) 2013-14
- Maaike Groot (VU University, Amsterdam) 2012-13
- Yona Waksman (CNRS, Lyon) 2011-12
- Eva Panagiotakopoulou (University of Edinburgh) 2010-11
- Kostalena Michelaki (McMaster University) 2009-10
- Vassilis Kilikoglou (N.C.S.R. Demokritos) 2008-09