Floating colours
George Finlay’s collection of books spans from the 1790s to 1870s, a period when marbled paper flourished and when many new techniques were introduced by marbling firms keen to outdo […]
George Finlay’s collection of books spans from the 1790s to 1870s, a period when marbled paper flourished and when many new techniques were introduced by marbling firms keen to outdo […]
In the summer of 2020, ‘Digital Mycenae’ went live, digitally reuniting the Mycenae excavation archives held at the Faculty of Classics Cambridge and the British School at Athens. Based on […]
The BSA is pleased to announce that the first phase of the project ‘Digital Thessaly’ has been completed.
The BIRI (British International Research Institutes) have just advertised for the position of Digital Coordination and Strategy Project Digital Archivist.
What’s in a Map? Maps contain common elements: by definition there is the actual “map” – a conventionalised visual representation, usually two dimensional, of geographic space – but often a […]
Personal papers of scholars associated with the British School at Athens represent an important part of the Archive. As well as expertise in individuals’ fields, such archives provide a glimpse […]
Hello! I’m Kate Wilson, a MARM (Masters of Archives and Records Management) student from the University of Liverpool. In January this year, I came over to the British School at […]
How are archives formed? I’ve noticed that archives are incomplete by nature – winnowed from their original “core” – a representative of the whole. Selection of what is preserved may […]
The BSA offices and the Library will be closed from Friday 22 April to Tuesday 26 April. Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!
The BSA is delighted to announce the publication of the latest volume in its Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies series, a collective volume based on papers delivered at an international […]