BSA/NHRF lecture

Seeking the Divine in a Faraway Place: Western Greeks and Sanctuaries Abroad

National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vasileos Constantinou Ave., Athens, Greece

BSA / NHRF / ICS Autumn Lecture Professor Judith Barringer (University of Edinburgh), "Seeking the Divine in a Faraway Place: Western Greeks and Sanctuaries Abroad"   ABSTRACT Greek colonies in Magna Graecia, founded in the eighth and seventh centuries BCE, soon established their own sanctuaries, religious practices, temples, etc. in their new communities. Yet colonial […]

Jason König, “The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek Culture and in Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing”

National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vasileos Constantinou Ave., Athens, Greece

  NHRF/ICS/BSA Lectures in Classics series Professor Jason König (Professor of Classics, University of St Andrews), "The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek Culture and in Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing" Abstract: The history of ancient Greek responses to mountains has been largely invisible to classical scholarship, with its tendency to focus on urban culture. This […]

Christy Constantakopoulou, “Gods, Slaves, Goats and Pirates in the Aegean Islands.  Insular Life and Inter-island Connectivity in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods.”

Professor Christy Constantakopoulou (Birkbeck, University of London), "Gods, Slaves, Goats and Pirates in the Aegean Islands.  Insular Life and Inter-island Connectivity in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods."  Abstract The lecture will explore some little-known stories of island connectivity from the Classical and early Hellenistic Aegean. The presence of many islands is a dominant feature of […]