Onyeka Igwe is the 2019 BSA Arts Bursary holder and returns from a residency in Athens to share her encounters with the archive. Igwe researches the colonial
imagination, its knowledges and influence on the archive and then uses a
methodology, critical proximity, to create moving image works that attempt to activate archive material in other ways. She will share poetic snatches of her experiences at the BSA as well as outlining the methodology that roots both her artistic practice and historical research.
Professor Malcolm Quinn (UAL) will be in conversation with Igwe after a presentation.
The BSA Arts Bursary is organised in collaboration with Research at Camberwell, Chelsea, Wimbledon Colleges of Arts, University of the Arts London. This event is free to attend and will be followed by light refreshments. There is a suggested voluntary donation of £15. Cheques should be made payable to the ‘British School at Athens’ and sent in advance to British School at Athens, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH. A donation box for cash and cheques will be available at the event. RSVP to Kate Smith: bsa@britac.ac.uk