British School at Athens

Theodora Jim, “Thinking through Greek and Chinese gods from a comparative perspective”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Artemis holding two long torches, 4th century B.C., Megara. National Archaeological Museum of Athens. NM 4540. Photo by George E. Koronaios (22 July 2018) via Wikimedia Commons, shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. Visiting Fellow Lecture Dr Theodora Jim (University of Nottingham), "Thinking through Greek and Chinese gods from a comparative perspective" Abstract: Contrary to […]

Andreas Karydas “X-Ray Vision for the Past: Exploring Antiquities and Artworks Through MA-XRF Imaging”

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Wiener Laboratory 54 Souidias Street, Athens, Greece

Presented By Fitch Laboratory, BSA and Wiener Laboratory, ASCSA Speaker(s) Dr. Andreas Karydas Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics of the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" Location ASCSA, M. H. Wiener Laboratory Seminar Room 54 Souidias st., Athens 10676 Contact For any enquiries, tel.: 213-000-2400 (133), Email:

Prof. Konstantinos Georgiadis, “The Revival of modern Olympic Games: from Zappas to Coubertin”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Course Keynote Lecture Prof. Konstantinos Georgiadis (University of Peloponnese) "The Revival of modern Olympic Games: from Zappas to Coubertin" As part of the course: History and Philosophy of the Olympic Games: understanding ancient ideas and communicating modern ideals. Prof. Konstantinos Georgiadis - University of Peloponnese, IOA Dean Member, IOC Commission for Olympic Education Vice-President, International Society […]

Annual Open Lectures 2025 – London

British Academy (London) 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, United Kingdom

Annual Open Lectures 2025 London   Please join us for the Annual Open Lectures of the British School at Athens on Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 5.30 pm  which will be held in-person only at the British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH.   credit Kostas Mantziaris The following lectures will be presented, with Professor […]

Annual Open Lectures 2025 – Athens

Archaeological Society 22 Panepistimiou Street, Athens, Greece

  Annual Open Lectures 2025 Athens   Please join us for the Annual Open Lectures of the British School at Athens on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 7 p.m. which will be held in-person only at the Archaeological Society (Lecture Hall), 22 Panepistimiou Street.     The Work of the British School at Athens in 2024 […]

Annual Open Lectures 2025 – Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Cast Gallery Thessaloniki, Greece

  Annual Open Lectures 2025 Thessaloniki   Please join us for the Annual Open Lectures of the British School at Athens on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7 p.m. which will be held in-person only. The lecture will take place in the Cast Gallery of the Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.     The […]

Jan Sienkiewicz, “Islands Between Palaces: The ‘Mycenaean’ Civilisation Reconsidered”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Upper House Seminar Dr Jan Sienkiewicz (University of Cambridge/British Museum/BSA), "Islands Between Palaces: The ‘Mycenaean’ Civilisation Reconsidered" Abstract: According to the dominant scholarly narrative, after the collapse of the Neopalatial civilisation, the Aegean societies underwent the so-called ‘Mycenaeanisation’, as the regional centre of cultural, economic, and political influence shifted from ‘Minoan’ Crete to the ‘Mycenaean’ […]

Pamela Armstrong, “The Two Castles of Torone”

Senate House (Room 261) London, United Kingdom

  The remains of the two castles at Torone, photo by Teddy Catling Hybrid Friends' Lecture Dr Pamela Armstrong (University of Oxford), "The Two Castles of Torone" Abstract: Torone sits on a headland at the southern tip of the Sithonia peninsula in the Chalkidiki on the north coast of Greece. From the headland it is […]

David Ricks, “Poetry between Languages: Writing and Translating Poetry in English and Greek”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Joint BSA-CHS Panel ‘Poetry between Languages: Writing and Translating Poetry in English and Greek’ This hybrid panel session, to be held on 20 January 2025 at the British School at Athens, takes as its starting point With Signs Following (Reading: Two Rivers Press 2024) the newly published poetry collection of David Ricks (Professor Emeritus, King’s […]

Nikos Daskalothanasis, “The first educational art institution in Greece: the history of the Athens School of Fine Arts”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

BSA Friends' lecture Professor Nikos Daskalothanasis (Athens School of Fine Arts), "Το πρώτο ίδρυμα καλλιτεχνικής εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα: η ιστορία της Ανωτάτης Σχολής Καλών Τεχνών της Αθήνας" Please note: the lecture will take place in Greek Abstract: The aim of the lecture is to reconstruct the history of the first educational artistic institution of the […]

Edward Jones, “The function and significance of inscribed accounts in Classical Athens”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Fragment of an inscribed tribute list, 425-4 BCE, image credit: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Fletcher Fund, 1926 Upper House Seminar Dr Edward Jones (BSA Macmillan-Rodewald Student / Oxford University) "The function and significance of inscribed accounts in Classical Athens” Abstract: In this lecture, Edward Jones explores the Classical Athenian habit of inscribing administrative […]

Islam Issa, “The Alexandrian Dream”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

image: Islam Issa gives his prize-winning address at the Runciman Award Ceremony 2024, © Julian Anderson BSA / Anglo Hellenic League lecture Professor Islam Issa (Birmingham City University), "The Alexandrian Dream" BIO Islam Issa is an award-winning author, broadcaster and curator, named by the BBC as ‘one of the UK’s most significant new thinkers’. He […]

Gordon Davies, “Filming Archaeology in Hellas: Technopolis City of Athens (and beyond)”

image: Technopolis City of Athens (June 2022), Long Run Productions, commissioned by Gordon Davies, courtesy of Technopolis City of Athens | Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Online Friends Webinar Dr Gordon Davies (Cambridge Museum of Technology), "Filming Archaeology in Hellas: Technopolis City of Athens (and beyond)" ABSTACT: Experience a different side of Athens in a series […]

Dimitris Plantzos, “Greeks, Macedonians, Thracians, and a few others: Inventing the Ancestors in Southeastern Europe”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Frederic Edwin Church, The Parthenon (1871). New York, Metropolitan Museum Upper House Seminar Professor Dimitris Plantzos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), "Greeks, Macedonians, Thracians, and a few others: Inventing the Ancestors in Southeastern Europe" In this lecture, Dimitris Plantzos examines the complex interplay between archaeology and nationalist imagination in Southeastern Europe. Focusing on the […]

Artificial Intelligence in Libraries

Goethe-Institut Athen Omirou 14-16, Athens, Greece

International Conference of the Committee for the Support of Libraries The Organizing Committee for Library Support (OEEB) invites you to the International Conference "Artificial Intelligence in Libraries." The conference will focus on best practices for integrating Artificial Intelligence technologies into libraries, archives, and research centers, aiming to enhance the professional development of Greek librarians and […]

Half a Century of Archaeological Science in Greece: Past, Present, &, Future

British School at Athens, Library 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Join us in Celebrating 50 Years of the Fitch Laboratory at an international conference that will explore how archaeological science has contributed to our understanding of the human past in Greece, focussing on three main topics: Movement and Mobility; Everyday Life; Landscape Histories and Environment.

Byron @200: Poets, Patriots & Philhellenes

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

BSA Friends Greece event "BYRON @200: Poets, Patriots & Philhellenes" A collective reading curated by poet, playwright and literary translator, Ginger F. Zaimis, in conjunction with the British School Athens and BSA Friends that presents a selection of poets, writers & history keepers in celebration of Lord Byron and the 200th anniversary of his death. […]

From ceramic islandscapes to mobility dynamics in the Late Chalcolithic-Early Bronze Age northeast Aegean

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Upper House Seminar Dr Sergios Menelaou (BSA Williams Fellow in Ceramic Petrology), "From ceramic islandscapes to mobility dynamics in the Late Chalcolithic-Early Bronze Age northeast Aegean" Abstract: The geo-cultural region of the northeast Aegean, encompassing the Greek islands and the western Anatolian coast, is crucial to understanding the dynamics of the Late Chalcolithic and Early […]

Peter Sarris, “Writing the Reign of Justinian” SPBS Autumn Lecture

King's College London, Strand Campus Strand, London, United Kingdom

SPBS / BSA Autumn Lecture Prof. Peter Sarris (Cambridge), "Writing the Reign of Justinian" Professor Sarris, a leading authority on the study of Justinian’s reign, a pivotal period in Byzantine history. His latest book, JUSTINIAN: EMPEROR, SOLDIER, SAINT, has garnered critical acclaim and won prestigious awards, including the London Hellenic Prize. Date: Wednesday November 13th, 2024 […]

Canceled John K Davies, “Re-imagining ancient Greek landscapes”

Senate House (Room 261) London, United Kingdom

image: A Cretan landscape. Courtesy of JK Davies Professor John K Davies (Liverpool), "Re-imagining ancient Greek landscapes" PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LECTURE HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Professor John K. Davies had to cancel his lecture. We hope to reschedule it for next year.  

From commingled bones to stories: forensic tools in archaeology

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Wiener Laboratory 54 Souidias Street, Athens, Greece

Fitch Wiener Seminar Ioanna Anastopoulou “From commingled bones to stories: forensic tools in archaeology”   In-person only, 5pm (Greece) at the Wiener Lab, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Seeking the Divine in a Faraway Place: Western Greeks and Sanctuaries Abroad

National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vasileos Constantinou Ave., Athens, Greece

BSA / NHRF / ICS Autumn Lecture Professor Judith Barringer (University of Edinburgh), "Seeking the Divine in a Faraway Place: Western Greeks and Sanctuaries Abroad"   ABSTRACT Greek colonies in Magna Graecia, founded in the eighth and seventh centuries BCE, soon established their own sanctuaries, religious practices, temples, etc. in their new communities. Yet colonial […]

Timeless Connections: Linking Britain and Greece through Archaeological Science

British Academy 10-11 Carlton House, London, United Kingdom

Celebrating 50 Years, The Marc and Ismene Fitch Laboratory for Archaeological Science We are delighted to invite you to celebrate 50 years of the Marc and Ismene Fitch Laboratory for Archaeological Science on the 24th of October, 2024. The event will take place at the British Academy, in the Wolfson Room, from 18:30-21:00. This special […]

Linda France – Michael Marks Awards Poetry Reading

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Poetry Reading Linda France (Environmental Poet of the Year 2022-23), Michael Marks Awards The BSA is delighted to host the first of the Michael Marks Poetry Pamphlet Awards holders in residence at the BSA. Our inaugural poet in residence is Linda France, Environmental Poet of the Year 2022-23 winner, who will be with us for […]

Hector Williams, “From the Stone Age to the Cistercians: Arcadian Stymphalos Through the Ages”

Online only

BSA Friends' Lecture Online Professor Emeritus Hector Williams, “From the Stone Age to the Cistercians: Arcadian Stymphalos Through the Ages” Abstract: Professor Williams, who leads the excavations at Stymphalos, in a small mountainous lake valley in Arcadia, Greece, a site famous for Herakles and the Stymphalian birds, guides us through the site’s fascinating history across […]

Hephaestus at Work: A Celebration of Myrto Georgakopoulou’s Work and Legacy

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

The British School at Athens (BSA) is proud to host a conference in honour of Myrto Georgakopoulou (1976-2022) to celebrate her remarkable contributions to Aegean archaeology and related fields.

Nicoletta Momigliano, “Conversations with the Minoan ‘Snake Goddesses’”

British School at Athens, Villa Ariadne Knossos, Greece

Conversations with the Minoan “Snake Goddesses” Professor Nicoletta Momigliano (University of Bristol) on behalf of the 'The Many Lives of a Snake Goddess’ project team. (This lecture will take place in Greek) This talk offers an introduction to the project ‘The Many Lives of a Snake Goddess: Diachronic, Multicultural, and Multisensory Perspectives’ ( a project spearheaded by Christine […]

Dr Georgios Mouratidis (BSA), “Does ancient sport still matter?”

British School at Athens, Villa Ariadne Knossos, Greece

Πόσο επίκαιρος είναι ο αρχαίος αθλητισμός; Dr Georgios Mouratidis (BSA), "Does ancient sport still matter?" (This lecture will take place in Greek) Observed from a historical perspective, doping is a relatively recent phenomenon that became increasingly widespread in sport after the 19th century and the beginning of modern Olympic Games. Today, international institutions like WADA (World Anti Doping […]

British Academy Summer Showcase – A Time-Traveller’s Odyssey: Exploring sacred journeys through archaeology and science

British Academy 10-11 Carlton House, London, United Kingdom

A Time-Traveller’s Odyssey: Exploring sacred journeys through archaeology and science BSA exhibit at the British Academy Summer Showcase 2024 Commutes, pilgrimages, holidays and migrations are journeys that shape our lives. But what about people’s journeys in the past? Step back in time to the ancient world of mobility and religious practice through the captivating lens […]

EARTH WATER FIRE 2024 | Celebrating Cretan Pottery from Antiquity to the Present

Thrapsano Crete, Greece

The Thrapsano Cultural Association is organizing a series of cultural events on Cretan pottery, in collaboration with the British School at Athens, the Centre for the Study of Modern Ceramics – G. Psaropoulos Foundation, with the Region of Crete as co-organizer and the support of the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage-Ministry of Culture, the potters […]

Rebecca Sweetman, “Travelling the Mediterranean: Late Antique and Victorian Women on the Move”

The Hellenic Centre 16-18 Paddington Street, London, United Kingdom

BSA/Hellenic Centre London Prof. Rebecca Sweetman (BSA), "Travelling the Mediterranean: Late Antique and Victorian Women on the Move" What connects the early 4th and 19th century Mediterranean? Women. Female mobility had increased significantly following centuries of restricted travel, yet our views of the Mediterranean in these periods are still shaped by the writing of men.   Throughout time, […]

Education in and beyond the Greek Gymnasium

Education in and beyond the Greek Gymnasium at the Swedish Institute at Athens and the Academy of Athens The gymnasium was the main institution for civic education for ancient Greeks, and one of the most characteristic landmarks of the Greek polis, according to ancient authors such as Dio Chrysostom and Aelius Aristidēs. As a result, the Greek gymnasium as […]

Pottery of Sifnos: Living Traditions, Evolving Crafts

British School at Athens, Upper House Garden Souedias 52, Athens, Greece

The rich heritage of Sifnos’s pottery screened in the British School at Athens garden oasis in Kolonaki, Athens

Stephen Duckworth, “Nineteenth century travellers in Crete – Edward Lear, Pashley and Spratt”

Online only

BSA Friends' Lecture Stephen Duckworth, “Nineteenth century travellers in Crete - Edward Lear, Pashley and Spratt” Abstract: Whilst Western travellers to the newly independent Greece in the 19th century after independence were often critical of the performance and effectiveness of the new government, travel in Crete was very different. It was still under Ottoman rule after the […]

Benjamin Morison, “Δόξα and ἐπιστήμη in Aristotle: some implications for ethical thought”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

THE MICHAEL FREDE MEMORIAL LECTURE Professor Benjamin Morison (Princeton University), "Δόξα and ἐπιστήμη in Aristotle: some implications for ethical thought" Abstract: According to Aristotle, one part of our soul grasps scientific truths and can achieve ἐπιστήμη concerning them. A different part knows about practical truths, including truths about morality, and has a different kind of […]

Christine Willis, “50 years a Potter”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

BSA Friends Greece lecture Christine Willis, "50 years a Potter" Event description: My Story: In the past year, I have been working with a group of Archaeologist and PhD students researching the different clays in the Anthemounta River Valley on the outskirts of Thessaloniki. Most of these archaeologist have been working on the site of […]

Conor Trainor, “What Happened Under Roman Rule? A View From Two Greek Cities”

Senate House (Room 261) London, United Kingdom

BSA Friends' Lecture Dr Conor Trainor (University of Warwick), “What Happened Under Roman Rule? A View From Two Greek Cities” Abstract: Traditionally, the Roman period of Greek history has been interpreted as a period of economic decline, or stagnation. In recent years, new research, especially from survey projects, has begun to challenge this picture. This […]

John Pendlebury Anniversary

Vikelaia Municipal Library Aktarika Megaron Eleftherios, Venizelos Square, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Exhibition-Workshop   Friday 17 May 2024 18:30 (EEST) in-person and Saturday 18 May 2024 9:30 (EEST) in-person with events continuing until 17 June   Full programme: Pendlebury programme   Location: VIKELAIA MUNICIPAL LIBRARY Aktarika Megaron​ Eleftherios Venizelos Square​ 71202, Heraklion​, Crete Organizers: Region of Crete, British School at Athens, Vikelaia Municipal Library The event will […]

Conference: New Directions in the Archaeology of Roman Greece: Connectivity, Interaction and Innovation

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

  NEW DIRECTIONS IN THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF ROMAN GREECE: CONNECTIVITY, INTERACTION AND INNOVATION Conference at the British School at Athens, 15–17 May 2024 We are delighted to invite you to a three-day international conference entitled “New Directions in the Archaeology of Roman Greece: Connectivity, Interaction and Innovation,” which will take place at the British School […]

Senta German, “Piet de Jong and the Post War Restorations of Knossos”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

BSA Bader Archive Lecture Senta German (Montclair State University), “Piet de Jong and the Post War Restorations of Knossos” Abstract: To most visitors, the restorations of the site of Knossos are the site’s most distinguishing feature.  Begun under the direction of Sir Arthur Evans during his first season of excavation in 1900, work to restore, […]

Beckett’s Breath: Anti-theatricality and the Visual Arts – Dr Sozita Goudouna

British School at Athens, Upper House Garden Souedias 52, Athens, Greece

Book Launch and artistic interventions in the garden - performance, screening, panel discussion "Beckett's Breath: Anti-theatricality and the Visual Arts" | Dr Sozita Goudouna The British School at Athens, in partnership with the British Council, Edinburgh University Press and Nissos Academic Publishing, hosts the Greek book launch of Dr. Sozita Goudouna’s book «Η Αναπνοή του […]

Sebastian Marshall, “Beyond the Classical Landscape: Photographs of Rural Greece from the SPHS Image Collection”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Upper House Seminar Sebastian Marshall (Cambridge/BSA), “Beyond the Classical Landscape: Photographs of Rural Greece from the SPHS Image Collection” Abstract: Since the earliest days of modern travel to Greece, landscape and the rural environment have been an object of fascination among foreign visitors. A preoccupation with ancient ‘topography’ and ‘picturesque’ views are familiar tropes in […]

Gelina Harlaftis, “Onassis Business History, 1924-1975”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Upper House Seminar Organised as part of the Modern Greek Studies program run by Dr Lamprini Rori (University of Athens) and Dr Eirini Karamouzi (Sheffield) Prof. Gelina Harlaftis (IMS/FORTH), “Onassis Business History, 1924-1975” Abstract: Aristotle Onassis is the most famous shipowner of the 20th century, the archetype and image of the shipowning magnate, the symbol of Greek […]

Andrew Womack, “Mapping Proto-Silk Road Interaction Networks in Northwestern China: Insights from Ceramic Analysis”

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Wiener Laboratory 54 Souidias Street, Athens, Greece

Fitch Weiner Seminar Dr Andrew Womack (Furman University), "Mapping Proto-Silk Road Interaction Networks in Northwestern China: Insights from Ceramic Analysis"   In-person only, 17:00 (Greece) at the Wiener Lab, American School of Classical Studies at Athens   images: left: MJY - QJ Pot Comparison, right: MJY Interaction Image

Flora Michelaki, “The tholos cemeteries in south-central Crete and their social implications during Pre- and Protopalatial periods”

Online only

BSA Friends' Lecture Dr Flora Michelaki (BSA), “The tholos cemeteries in south-central Crete and their social implications during Pre- and Protopalatial periods” Abstract: This lecture presents a synopsis of my doctoral thesis that aimed to examine the architectural and depositional complexity of the best documented tholos cemeteries in south-central Crete during the Prepalatial and Protopalatial […]

Matthew Evans, “Group Identity, Representation, and the Gymnasium on Late Hellenistic Delos”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

BSA Upper House Seminar Dr Matthew Evans (BSA/Warwick), “Group Identity, Representation, and the Gymnasium on Late Hellenistic Delos” Abstract: In the corpus of inscriptions from Delos during the Second Athenian Domination (167/6 – 88 BCE), we come across various formal and informal groups associated with the island’s athletic education institutions. This paper explores the role […]

Andrea Applebee, “Sex, Power, and Poetry: Inspirations and Challenges from the Classics”

British School at Athens 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Pudica by Cicek Tascioglu Beeby Greek Friends' Event - poetry reading Andrea Applebee, “Sex, Power, and Poetry: Inspirations and Challenges from the Classics” Event Description: Let’s gather to speak to how these ways of relating shape each other. The language of the body and the language of the soul have long courted, negotiated with, and […]

Bastien Rueff, “Illuminating the past: from the lamp to the light in Minoan Crete”

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Wiener Laboratory 54 Souidias Street, Athens, Greece

  Fitch Wiener Seminar Dr Bastien Rueff (École française d’Athènes), “Illuminating the past: from the lamp to the light in Minoan Crete”   In-person only, 5pm (Greece) at the Wiener Lab, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Kostas Kotsakis, “A solar flare in 5259 BCE solves the Dispilio riddle”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

BSA Upper House Seminar Prof. Kostas Kotsakis (Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), "A solar flare in 5259 BCE solves the Dispilio riddle"   Abstract: Dispilio by Kastoria Lake is Greece's first systematically excavated wetland site. It contains waterlogged wooden piles, C14 dated to the 6th millennium BCE at a density of almost 1000 piles […]

Sevi Triantaphyllou, “Investigating the use of fire on human remains in the prehistoric Aegean”

Online only

BSA Supporter Exclusive Lecture Dr Sevi Triantaphyllou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), “Investigating the use of fire on human remains in the prehistoric Aegean” Abstract: Exposure of the body to fire causes various physical and chemical alterations which involve shrinkage, breakage, warping, complete deformation as well as removal of the organic component and the modification of […]

Eva Mol, “Myth, matter, and the making of the Mediterranean”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Davelis cave, Pentelli, Athens. Photo: Eva Mol BSA Visiting Fellow lecture Dr Eva Mol (University of York), “Myth, matter, and the making of the Mediterranean” Abstract: The lecture will share work in progress on my current project about myth and materiality. It focuses on the roles that objects and physical locations played in the creation […]

Tina Rowe, Artist in Residence

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

Artist in Residence talk Tina Rowe (University of the Arts London/BSA), Artist in Residence Abstract: UAL Research Resident Artist Tina Rowe will talk about the residency and the ways that this experience has evolved her approach to her PhD. She will discuss her use of the archive and the questions that have arisen from working […]

Canceled Maria Rousou, “Bridging the gap: a multidisciplinary approach towards the understanding of Pistacia fixed oil extraction in the Mediterranean world”

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Wiener Laboratory 54 Souidias Street, Athens, Greece

  Fitch Wiener Seminar Unfortunately this event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.   Dr Maria Rousou (University of Jijel, Algeria, and Wiener Lab, ASCSA), “Bridging the gap: a multidisciplinary approach towards the understanding of Pistacia fixed oil extraction in the Mediterranean world” In-person only, 5pm (Greece) at the Wiener Lab, American School of […]

Annual Open Lectures 2024 – Athens

Annual Open Lectures 2024 Athens   Please join us for the Annual Open Lectures of the British School at Athens on Thursday 15th February 2024, 7pm which will be held in-person only at the Archaeological Society (Lecture Hall), 22 Panepistimiou Street. BSA Fitch Laboratory extension, 1987 (N. Zarganis & M. Galanos) © BSA Archive The Work […]

Annual Open Lectures 2024 – Thessaloniki

Annual Open Lectures 2024 Thessaloniki   Please join us for the Annual Open Lectures of the British School at Athens on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7 p.m. which will be held in-person only. PLEASE NOTE - NEW LOCATION: the lecture will take place at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, in the 'Manolis Andronikos' lecture room. […]

BSA & the Hellenic Centre, “Artist’s Talk by Returning Resident Joshua Whitaker: Acid History – Into the Silver Screen”

The Hellenic Centre 16-18 Paddington Street, London, United Kingdom

BSA & the Hellenic Centre event Artist’s Talk by Returning Resident Joshua Whitaker: Acid History – Into the Silver Screen Abstract: A talk/performance by artist Joshua Whitaker presenting writing, photography, and film developed during his stay as Arts Researcher in Residence at The British School at Athens (BSA) in partnership with Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon […]

Annual Open Lectures 2024 – London

King's College London, Strand Campus Strand, London, United Kingdom

Annual Open Lectures 2024 London   Please join us for the Annual Open Lectures of the British School at Athens on Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.15 pm  which will be held in-person only at King's College London, Strand Campus (Strand, London WC2R 2LS). The following lectures will be presented, with Professor Roderick Beaton in the Chair: The […]

Andriana Xenaki, “‘A view from the mountain’s top’: modelling the use of mountainous areas in Eastern Crete”

British School at Athens, Upper House 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

  View of the Lasithi plateau from the north. Photo: Andriana-Maria Xenaki. Upper House Seminar Andriana Xenaki (University of Cambridge/BSA), "'A view from the mountain’s top': modelling the use of mountainous areas in Eastern Crete" Abstract: Using legacy data from eastern Crete’s most dominant landscape features – its rugged terrain and iconic mountains – this paper […]