Panel Discussion chaired by Prof Edith Hall, “Mythical Retellings: Reimagining the women of Greek Myth”

Panel Discussion chaired by Prof Edith Hall, “Mythical Retellings: Reimagining the women of Greek Myth”

Panel Discussion – Committee for Society, Arts & Letters

Panel: Claire Heywood, Jennifer Saint, Susan Stokes-Chapman

Chair: Prof. Edith Hall (Durham University)

Amid the recent popularity of fiction inspired by Greek mythology, authors Claire Heywood, Jennifer Saint, and Susan Stokes-Chapman discuss the opportunities and challenges which come with retelling ancient myths for a modern audience. Are the original myths expanded, reduced or simply made relevant by retellings? How can we view the current appetite for retellings? How are the women of Greek myth brought into new focus? And how much creative liberty can be taken in the reworking of ancient tales?